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  • Romello

This is the second part of what I know about viruses following the basic information I sent previously.  This information is not based on opinions or beliefs, it is based on facts and “knowing”, not believing.

This is basic chemistry and science that has been known for a very long time. The media is aware that  the majority of the population has no access to this information or will not question the authority, or those that have been taught this information in the past, have forgotten it or been brain-washed to  “believe” another narrative. Nature doesn't care what you believe, it only responds to what you do. Some of this information will be repetitive, and I have done this intentionally so that you will  remember.  

“If you believe in a thing, it means you do not know about that thing.” - Dr. Michael Plaster, D.C. 

It is impossible to “catch a virus. Viruses are not living things, they are a solvent. Solvents are made  in the cells of the body as a result of the body and/or mind cleansing itself from an excess of toxins.  The body creates viruses as a result of this detoxification.  

FLU = is a viral detoxification or cleansing. 

A COLD = is a bacterial detoxification or cleansing. 

Flu virus kills 1 million persons per year... minimum due to this cleansing process. These deaths are  due to the population that are weak/sick and will produce more virus in their own cells. 

The difference between a bacteria and virus: 

A bacteria is a complete independent living cell. It can survive on its own at any location. Local.  

A virus is a dead entity, a zombie. It depends on eating the life force from a living cell to be animated. It is no coincidence that the most popular films/series have been zombie themes for many years now. A virus is considered “systemic” (everywhere in the entity) due to the fact that when a person is sick, they are sick everywhere throughout the body.  

This is like when someone has a cancer. The cancer production is everywhere throughout the body, but  the area of symptomatology or diagnosis is where the body is the weakest and cannot naturally cleanse  the mutated cancer cells, while the stronger areas are able to do so.  

A virus does not attack cell tissue, it transforms the toxins into a solvent to be eliminated. If your body  has an excess of toxins, an excess of the solvent will also be produced. This can lead to cell damage or  cell death over time.  

Viruses are not naturally transmissible between organs (eg. - liver to heart, lung to brain), therefore they cannot be naturally transmitted from person to person through touch, contact or air because viruses are  not living. More impossible is the natural transmission from one species to another. I use the word  “naturally” transmissible because I will explain, the ONLY unnatural way that viruses are  transmissible, at the end of this information.  

“Remember...fear creates more acidity in the body and increases toxicity.” - Dr. Michael Plaster, D.C. 

Mass groups of people have a common illness at the same time because of the Innate Intelligence of the body. This intelligence knows when it is time to detox or cleanse, such as with seasonal changes,  environmental changes, fertilization of plants/animals and hibernation. Not everyone will have a viral  detoxification at the same time because they are either stronger and do not need to cleanse or they have cleansed at an earlier time than others.  

As I mentioned in the previous information sent out weeks ago, human bodies communicate between  each other through the endocrine/hormonal system and the immune system. This is why it is vitally  important to maintain hormonal balance, stimulate the endocrine system with food and exercise and  maintain strength of the immune system. This communication happens instinctively between males and females of the species in a desire to naturally reproduce. If these endocrine and immune systems are  imbalanced from toxins, acidity, stress or electromagnetic waves from electrical devices then  reproduction decreases due to sterility or lack of natural interest and attraction.  

This is one of the primary reasons the population has developed more fertility/sterility problems over  the years. The sense of smell is the primary innate communication for reproduction. This sense is  altered or confused with the use of perfumes and other chemicals we put on and in our bodies. This  false information to the endocrine/hormonal/immune systems is registered as a lie and is rejected. It is  also seen when a woman, who uses birth control pills, has lost the ability to sense her mate. When the  female stops taking the contraception, they begin to sense/smell the immune system of their mate only  to discover that they are not attracted to him because they smell the “real” person for the first time.  

In addition, many people “believe” that by not bathing for long periods of time, they allow their bodies  to produce “natural” pheromones thereby attracting the opposite sex. This is true if you are not toxic. If  you are toxic, you “stink” and you will only attract other toxic “stink bugs”. If your body is clean and  healthy both interior and exterior, then there will be a light “agreeable” smell that will likewise attract  only the opposite sex with the same level of health.  

Now to explain the ONLY way a person can receive a virus in the body. 

Vaccinations are the ONLY way a virus can ENTER the body of any creature from the exterior.  Vaccines are the only way animal tissue can get into the human blood stream.  Reread my last emailed information for more explanation.  

Two vaccination patents were filed with the formulas to address this specific virus Covid-19 and other  coronaviruses. The European patent was filed November 2019.  

One US-United States and one EP-European Patent: 



Nature does not allow the defense systems of the body to transmit viruses from one species to another.  Plants and animals cannot even do this in nature. 

Humans have genetically modified plants and animals for many years to create hybrid mutations such  as mules, ligers/tigons, types of corn, soy beans, seedless fruits etc. Hybrids are things that cannot  reproduce. They are naturally sterilized due to unnatural combinations. Do not confuse unnatural  forced genetic modification with environmental adaptation. One occurs naturally without effort over  time, the other could not ever occur without the hand of human influence. 

This is also why humans are becoming more sterile. Many adjuvants used in vaccines for transporting  the viruses include RNA/DNA from other species of plants and animals, thereby producing permanent  genetic modifications rendering sterility.  

“Viruses cannot be killed by heat, hand sanitizers, a food or nutritional supplement because they are not alive to begin with. You can only eat and do things to keep yourself from producing the virus in your  own cells.” - Dr. Michael Plaster, D.C. 

FYI: Hand sanitizers are alcohol based. Alcohol will kill bacteria, but not viruses. Chlorine eliminates  viruses, not kill....cleans them from an area. For a hand sanitizer or any other alcohol based cleanser to  be effective against bacteria, it must remain “wet” on the area for a minimum of 30 seconds. Ask any  professionally trained chef and they will tell you this. So these hand sanitizers everyone has been using  that stays “wet” for a maximum of 10 seconds, is without a doubt the biggest scam in the last 50 years.  Not to mention the profit margin on the production.  

The worst thing you can do to increase illness is stay indoors. If you cannot go outside, open the  windows to get fresh air and sunshine daily.  

Remove or greatly reduce EMF devices, TV and social media. These increase the weakness of your  hormonal and immune systems. Reread the previous information I sent to remind you how to  strengthen these systems.  

“Start using your own mind, because if you don't....someone else will.” - unknown

“The only thing that is contagious …. is ignorance.” - Dr. Michael Plaster, D.C.