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Only things from the “New World” can be patented, old world things can not.  

When the internet access to the public first became available, there was one thing I recognized  immediately. Every website domain began with “www” which means “world wide web”, the world  wide spider web.  

My being raised quite religious as a child and curiously esoteric later in life, I made a very profound  connection with this “www”. In the biblical book of Revelation, it states that in the future all things will carry the “mark of the beast”. This is recognized as the number “666” in the bible. I have studied the  ancient views on the meanings of numerology, and the letter “w” is given the value of “6”. This means  that every single company, website and person presented on the internet is identified with the number  “666”. This is not all, it gets more exciting.... 

Later on in our technological development here on Earth, the “bar code” was introduced. Being the  excessively curious person that I am, I noticed that the values of the first, middle and last bars on a bar  code are not presented with a numerical value. So, here we go....I looked it up...and lo' and guessed it! Those three unmarked bar sections represent the values of “666”. Now we  have all companies, websites and persons with “the mark of the beast” ….AND...every single item  produced and sold on the market! There is more ….... (oh this is so exciting!!!).... 

As you are sitting there thinking, “Well thank god, the fruits, vegetables, plants, animals and humans  are still unmarked!”. Yeah, they were ….until now. The “International Bar Code of Life” organization  is, at this very moment, changing all of that. For you science fiction fanatics out there, you are going to  love this! 

Every plant, rock, animal, insect, animate and inanimate thing on this planet now has a bar code and  has been “restructured”...including those of you that took that “coronovirus, covid blah blah” test that I  warned you about. The blood or mucous test was a REAL test with a 5-15 minute result time and 100% accuracy. The same system of testing that has worked and been used for many years for all types of 


That 10cm “Q-tip” they stuck up your nose, was exclusively to implant the magnetic, beacon bar code  in your head. You are now “bar coded”, tagged and ready for the next phase. In the mean time, hangout  with the other cows in the pasture.  

It has also being shown that many of the masks, especially the initial masks from China, were also  contaminated with this nano tech magnetic tracing powder to infect the users. Don't take my word for  it, look it up yourself. This was presented, discussed, decided and planned with many, many more  unbelievable subjects from the “Pioneers of Change Summit 2020” this November 16-20, 2020.  

As I stated in my April 4, 2020 article and others, the name “COVID-19” does not mean “coronovirus  disease”, it means “Certificate of Vaccination Identity (ID) 2019”. This is both the test and the  vaccination that were develop in 2019 many months before the “viral pandemic” was announced. I  heard about it the day it was announced in Wuhan, China....October 31, 2019. It is not about  vaccinating you against a still unidentified virus, it is ONLY about you getting this magnetic, beacon  bar code in your body so that you become the “property” of the company that put it there.  

Genetic modification and slavery at its finest! You are now a “baby cyborg”, fun fun! /face palm.