“If you think you can or you can’t, you are right.” This famous quote by Henry Ford of Ford Motor Company quite simply sums of the whole gamete of positive/negative thinking.
“If you think you can or you can’t, you are right.” This famous quote by Henry Ford of Ford Motor Company quite simply sums of the whole gamete of positive/negative thinking.
Some say positive thinking isn’t realistic. Well, I would like to meet the “genius” (moron) that convinced everyone that negative thinking is realistic. Remember... what the mind can conceive, and believe it WILL achieve.
(insert battery life photo here)
I like to look at negative (-) or positive (+) thinking as an image of a battery. You know, the opposite ends or poles with the “-” sign or the “+” sign representing the energy charge. We attend to always associate the idea of positive and negative with these symbols, when in fact, I view them from the “excess” or “absence” perspective.
Using a person for example………
Imagine someone who is negative, they have an absence or “-” charge of energy. Therefore, they are trying to pull energy to themselves (needy people). Where as, a positive person has an excess “+” of energy and as a result, they are projecting their energy (giving people).
Unfortunately, there are some people who have an “absence” of energy, but still try to give, only in hoping that something will be given back in return. This is conditional and has the wrong intent at heart and will without exception lead to more energy loss. Instead of depending on others to make us happy, just decide to do it yourself………for yourself. The positive stuff comes much quicker and with a little effort, it will work every time.
Did you know that it can take up to 3 times the energy to be negative as it does to be positive? For example, based on anatomy and physiology of that magnificent machine called The Human Body, there is a ”BIG” little secret that most people are unaware of. Certain areas of the body can use up to 3 times (that’s 300% for those of you that are awestruck by big numbers) the energy to be negative as it does to be positive. Case and point: the muscles that control the expressions of the mouth. There are approximately 3 times the muscles used to place your mouth in a down turned (sad, frowning) position WITH the aid of “gravity” (magnetism), than the number of muscles necessary to place your mouth in an up-turned (happy, smiling) position AGAINST the pull of “gravity” (magnetism). What a waste of energy!
If that’s not shocking enough... listen to this. The human mind does not register negation. That is to say, the words, “no”, “don’t”, “not”, “stop”, etc do not register because there are no visual images produced by these words. Example: If someone wants to stop smoking, they are constantly thinking phrases such as “stop smoking”, “can’t smoke”, “quit smoking” or they are bombarded with the “no smoking” sign,
which is a CIGARETTE with a red line through it. Their mind is STILL hearing “smoking” and seeing cigarette. You may be feeling you don’t catch what I am throwing at you. Let’s take something more concrete. Let’s say I tell you to “not” think of an elephant. You have to automatically think of an
elephant to identify the word I just said. Therefore, the image is in your mind. It is not an “absence” of this image.
As I say in my seminars, there is a big difference in being “against war” or “for peace”. The “against war” supporters are only thinking about “war”. The “for peace” supporters are thinking “peace”. One needs to focus on what is to be achieved instead of what is to be eliminated. Smoking or clean air. Disease or health. Poverty or wealth. Procrastination or action. Negative or positive.
Every morning when you wake up, re-decide to have either another negative day using 3 times the energy or a dynamic positive day with tons of energy in reserve. The only person that directly receives benefit by your being positive, is you. Others, as a result, receive secondary “waves” of your “good vibrations”.
As I always say... ”WIN OR LOSE, YOU CHOOSE!”
Michael A. Plaster, D.C.
Doctor of Chiropractic