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Self respect is what makes people ask questions and seek the truth for themselves instead of mindlessly following instructions that jeopardize the health and well-being of themselves and their children.  Ignorance is lethal and contagious. It is difficult for me to believe that people are ready to sacrifice and  torture their children for a cult of fiction.  

“Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise....” 

Ok, so if the “space” of your head, between the two “temples” is “mined”, you get a “prize” for allowing someone or something to “enter” ?  

“Space between the heavens, and a corner of some foreign field...I had a dream.” - Roger Waters “Are you the 'weak end' of your 'weak daze'?.” - Dr. Michael Plaster, D.C. 

“Knowledge is not negative, ignorance is negative.” - David Icke 

Vaccinating children without parental consent is now allowed in schools.  

School nurses consoling girls, as young as 10 years old, about contraception without parental consent.  Are you okay with that? Now I understand “Silence is violence”.  

Self respect is what makes people ask questions and seek the truth for themselves instead of mindlessly following instructions that jeopardize the health and well-being of themselves and their children.  Ignorance is lethal and contagious. It is difficult for me to believe that people are ready to sacrifice and  torture their children for a cult of fiction.  

The hysteria is present on both sides of the fence, those that want to believe in a virus and those that do  not believe in a virus. This is the goal...divide and weaken the people. Use common sense and truth, not social media brainwashing. It is so obvious, a child can understand. A child knows that CO2 is plant  food. A child knows that bacteria and “germs” are spread by touching, and yet we wear masks but  continue to touch money, handles, door knobs, food items in shops, turn stiles in subways, money  machines etc. Where is the common sense? Is it only in the children?  

You are a “science denier” if you believe in this SARS-COV-2 hoax or in global warming. 

To this day, no virus has been isolated or identified for this pandemic, period.  It is ridiculously unscientific to claim that CO2 can cause warming. The proof is in the millions of  green houses used throughout the world at this moment. Green houses work by generating heat, due to  the enclosure, which in turn produces the CO2 that feeds the plants. CO2 does not cause heat, heat  causes CO2 production. This is grade school science, and now the general public is so “dumbed down”, they can no longer think with their new lack of oxygen, not to mention that drugs and alcohol are more  easily accessible since 2020.  

Did you know that if you put fire ants and black ants in a jar, they do nothing...but if you shake the jar  violently and pour them out on the ground, they will fight against each other to the death. Is it the fault  of the nature of the ants? No, it is the fault of the person who shook the jar that made them kill each  other. Sound familiar? 

“If you can pretend that the mask is protecting you from something, then you can pretend that I am wearing one.” - Tom Barnett