If Unicorns do not exist, how can their farts exist? In theory, scientists (not politicians) have identified 37 base pairs of the genetics of SARS-CoV-2 (covid19) out of the total of 30,000 it has been claimed to possess.
If a virus does not exist, how can a positive test for that virus exist?
If a virus does not exist, how can a death due to “said” virus exist?
If physical and visual contact does not exist, how can the relationship exist?
If cognitive thinking does not exist, how can a logical decision exist?
If breathing does not exist, how can life exist?
If sufficient amounts of oxygen does not exist, how can brain function exist?
If the family unit does not exist, how can humanity exist?
If freedom of thoughts and actions does not exist, how can freedom of religion exist?
In theory, scientists (not politicians) have identified 37 base pairs of the genetics of SARS-CoV-2 (covid19) out of the total of 30,000 it has been claimed to possess. These tiny fragments of what is claimed as the virus, has been taken and studied with a computer program to fill in all the remaining empty fragments of unidentified information. Dr. Tom Cowan explains this very well …..You find a fragment of a hoof, horn and a hair. You then put it through a computer program to fill in the empty spaces. Now you can say you found a “Unicorn”! Of course, a unicorn no one has ever seen. Because the computer program filled in the spaces in many different ways producing numerous options, a vote was taken in the case of this virus to decide which of the imaginary unicorns is the “real” imaginary unicorn. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly how this present coronavirus was determined. So how can there be a test for something that has not been properly identified to this very day? Popcorn anyone?
Human beings are powerful creatures. They can create or destroy at will, unlike animals that react instinctively. If a person allows the fear to overcome them, they transform to an animal state of existence. Fear causes people to lose their humanity. It is a choice. This is why I have stated for over 30 years....”Never make a decision based on fear. It will never be the outcome you desire.”
I see this as an opportunity to recreate a better world. Realize that at no time in history have human beings, following a false narrative, been productive for our evolution. It has consistently lead to a de evolution of our species.
“Once enough intelligent people wake up from this hysterical nightmare and refuse to believe in 'Unicorn Farts', the world will be the beautiful haven it was destined to be. “ - Dr. Michael Plaster, D.C.