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A small measurement of energy, physically influenced by thought.


Returning order to produce a desired result.


Chiropractic is designed to identify the cause of a health issue and remove the interference so the body will naturally heal itself.

Nutrition Training

Mission Statement

Quantum Alignement is a means to treat, educate and guide you with knowledge based on empirical evidence, common sense and logic to express your full potential deeply and sincerely on all levels of your being.

    Truth is in The Alignement


    Quantum Alignement Technique

    Q.A.T. (Quantum Alignement Technique) was created and developed by Dr. Michael Plaster to identify the true original cause of each unique illness for each unique patient. QA demonstrates how to incorporate this information into our daily lives in the purest and most simple form possible to understand and rebuild our lives while maintaining full responsibility.

    Q.A.T. (Quantum Alignement Technique) a été créée et développée par le Dr Michael Plaster afin d'identifier la véritable cause originelle de chaque maladie pour chaque patient. La Q.A.T. montre comment intégrer ces informations dans notre vie quotidienne sous la forme la plus pure et la plus simple possible pour comprendre et reconstruire notre vie tout en conservant une responsabilité totale.


    “Truth is in the Alignment.”

    Dr. Michael Plaster
    Doctor of Chiropractic

    Daily Quotation

    "The world is not worse. We are only seeing it now.”

    -- Owen Benjamin



    speech therapist / Orthophoniste

     I have recommended Dr. Plaster to many friends, who have confirmed that their illnesses, which the doctors were unable to treat, have been greatly alleviated by the action of Dr. Plaster who approaches a very broad behavioral field.

    J ́ai recommandé Dr Plaster à de très nombreux amis, lesquelles ont confirmé que leurs maladies que les médecins n arrivaient pas à soigner, ont été très allégées par un action de Dr Plaster qui aborde un champ comportemental très large. 


    Over the years

    Over the years, I have consulted Dr Mike on several occasions for a number of different issues. I am always surprised by his methodology, diagnostics and holistic approach for treatment......and the problem no longer exists. Magic? Spiritual? Alternative? Shaman? Sage? Yes to all! 

    Au fil des ans, j'ai consulté le Dr Mike à plusieurs reprises pour un certain nombre de questions différentes. Je suis toujours surpris par sa méthodologie, ses diagnostics et son approche holistique du traitement ...... et le problème n'existe plus. La magie ? Spirituel ? Alternatif ? Chaman ? Sage ? Oui à tous ! 


    We can always count on Dr.Mike

    Voilà des années que nous connaissons Michael maintenant et nous savons que si nous sommes dans une période difficile, une maladie, un mal-être, quoi que ce soit ..; nous pouvons aller le voir et il en résulte toujours : apprentissages, guérison, mieux-être. Nous savons que Michael est là pour toute question et c'est un vrai bonheur d'avoir fait sa connaissance. Merci Michael !!! 

    We've known Michael for years now and we know that if we're in a difficult time, an illness, an unhappiness, anything ... we can go to him and the result is always learning, healing, wellness. We know that Michael is there for any question and it is a real joy to have met him. Thank you Michael !!! 


    Passionate about the well-being of humans

    Passionné par le bien-être des humains, à l'écoute de notre mal, précurseur de la médecine alternative. Combien de fois ai-je dit à mes amis : "Michael dit ça depuis 20 ans !" Si je devais résumer, Michael Plaster : Je dirais que c'est un humaniste. 

    Passionate about the well-being of humans, listening to our problems, precursor of alternative medicine. How many times have I told my friends, "Michael's been saying that for 20 years!" If I had to sum up, Michael Plaster: I would say he's a humanist. 

    Romello Rivers

    Technology Consultant

    Some years ago I was diagnosed with Arthritis. I embraced holistic heal treatments like fasting which helped me partly recover. Thanks to nutritional counceling from Dr. Mike I feel as though I've made a full recovery as today I have no pain and I haven't taken any "nsaids" pharmaceutical drugs in many years.

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