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  • Romello

This is such a GLORIOUS moment in life! Nature has a way of always bringing things back into order. Now we are facing

REAL challenges that matter in our existence. Whining about genders, pronouns, rights, pay gaps, equality, social media, arguing politics..etc are now less important than each and everyone surviving and helping each other. The need to decide what is necessary, and what is not. 

Now the rich-poor, male-female, young-old, privileged, races, countries etc are all on equal standing. 

We are moving from a mind set of “what could be” to a “what is” reality.

Living the present moment, day to day, and how to make the most of every thought, word and deed is, by default, the new priority. This reality has put everything on the same level with beliefs, religions, desires, politics etc. and moved the importance of the providers of farming, trucking, grocery stores, pharmacies and healthcare professionals to the forefront. When we no longer have that “secure bubble of safety”, things are put into perspective. Everyone shouting personal points of view and trying to force themselves to be heard is only “dust in the wind”. Some have cried “wolf” much too long, and now it falls on deaf ears. Vanity no longer has a place in our present day. 

Maybe now we can have conversations beneficial to everyone, overlooking the differences and realizing the beauty in our differences in order to learn from each other the things essential for our living together.