Words are “Spells” … “sorcery”.... “spelling”... used to deceive and manipulate.
Kneeling: Okay, so which is it? A sign of desecration or a sign of not being worthy? I see this kneeling during the national anthem in any country as stating you are not worthy of what it represents. Same as when a man kneels before a woman when proposing for marriage...not worthy. If it is intended as a sign of desecration for the national anthems, then kneeling before BLM, Antifa etc is also a sign of desecration. The “Matter” term in BLM does not mean “significant”, it means “material”. The black lives are used as a material for manipulating by those that promote the “movement”, who are always elites of other races. Even the American footballer who initiated the kneeling during the national anthem was instructed to do so by a high level military officer who is white. Not only did this footballer lose his job, he was then sponsored by a company that is run by child slavery. Oh, another half black man slave owner. Make your mother proud boy! And, in this case...his mother was white as well.
Masks: Masks are the “boot” on the neck. You can't breathe. Masks are not and never were a means to keep or make you healthy.
Hate: Saying you don't agree with something or someone is “hate” now, but burning, attacking and killing those that don't agree with you is acceptable.
“I Reclaim My Time”: Someone with a childish mind that has no argument uses this phrase as a means to say “Shut up” due to their statements being inferior in value.
Need to be tested to see if you have a “Deadly Disease”: Human beings have now developed to the point of being completely unaware of their bodies, that they need someone else to tell them if they are sick or not. In the past, no one would even consider going to a doctor unless there was a symptom that was abnormal. There is no “deadly disease” that is asymptomatic. I know that many believe that their
doctor “luckily” found a fatal illness by doing a random test. I will be the first to inform you that you were lied to and manipulated...and taken advantage of. I have had many medical doctor friends tell me that this has become a worldwide standard to “save” failing hospitals and doctors.
Fact Check: This has zero to do with facts. It is a way of saying that your personal opinions disagree with the information. A means of finding information to justify a false narrative by those that are paid to say what you want, with a fabricated “proof”.
W.H.O. (World Health Organization): A private organization designed to make and keep the public sick.
Educational System: Created to intentionally “dumb down” children to be more submissive and manipulative in the future. Removes knowledge.
“Antifa” (Anti-fascist Organization): A fascist organization forcibly imposing their agenda based views on the general public.
Chemotherapy: An acceptable form of treatment for cancer that actually kills more people than cancer itself.
Tolerant People: Called “intolerant”, dictators or tyrants. I find this interesting because if you called a real dictator a “dictator”, you would die or go to prison.
The Patriot Act: Destroys patriotism.
CDC (Center for Disease Control): Creates disease.
The Defense Department of USA: Is “offensive” (literally and functionally) in its actions.
Banking System: Removes and destroys wealth, takes money from you. It does not save and protect it for you.
World Leaders: Those that guide and create for future generations, while the majority of world leaders are childless and homosexual. How can they care about the future if they do not have a personal investment in the future?
Department of Justice: Saturated with injustice.
Homeland Security: Creates insecurity within the nation by working with other countries to jeopardize the well-being of their country.
War on Drugs: Greatly increases drug availability and use.
War on Terrorism: Subconsciously plants this concept in weak, manipulative minds to perform these acts.
Science: Science is religion and religion is becoming science. Facts vs beliefs. Science is based on beliefs... not facts, in today's world.
Department of Agriculture: Destroys agriculture.
Bureau of Land Management: Destroys the land.
Hollywood Movies: Believed as a source of historical events.
Cook Food to Keep from Getting Sick: Cooking food removes all nutrients, thereby making you sick. Raw food is extensively healthier than cooked food.
Child Protective Services: Do not protect children.
I.R.S. (Internal Revenue Service): It does not provide a service, it takes revenue from the people. Therefore, it is actually “external”.
Liberals: Liberals are not liberated. They conserve the status quo.
Conservatives: Conservatives conserve nothing. They freeing do whatever they want without consideration of others.
Water Sanitation: Fluoride is one of the most toxic chemicals humans ingest, and it destroys teeth.
Turpentine is Poison: Turpentine (pine sap) is considered one of the most healthy products humans can consume for most diseases. The 1899 Medical Merck Manual, 1st edition, has turpentine listed as a treatment for more diseases than any other form of treatment.
“Don't Eat Yellow Snow”: I had to put this one in here as a follow up to the previous listing because that yellow snow you find in the woods against trees is not actually urine....it is turpentine (pine tree sap) leaking from the tree in winter. So, YES DO EAT YELLOW SNOW!!! Might want to smell it just to make sure though haha!
Hand Sanitizer Gel: Kills bacteria which protects the body. No, it makes the human body vulnerable. If all bacteria were killed in the world, all life on the planet would die within 24 hours.
Church: A tax shelter.
War: Alchemy that turns lead into gold, bullets into money.
Medical Healthcare: A profession that has absolutely zero to do with health. No medication or operation can make anyone more healthy. Surgeries and medication are designed to make you more comfortable with your problem.
Chiropractic: Treated as a para-medical alternative, while being the most complete holistic healthcare profession, designed to awaken the individuals' healing ability and potential.
Yes, I realize that this is all very disturbing....or maybe not. Let me give an example......
When I was in High School... I remember the beginning of every school year brought on all the whining and negative frustrations of students when they realized that the “least favorite” teacher survived another summer to come back and “haunt” us with their insufferable demeanor.
I would then ask those in pain...”if that teacher were not there, who would be the next in line as least favorite?”. Each person in this world has and will always have their “most” and “least” desirable viewpoints in ALL aspects of their lives.
Choose what you must for the moment and move on, live with the consequences of your choices and most of all...let the others choose for themselves as well. Just because everyone doesn't follow you in your parade does not mean you or them are either right or wrong, it means that we all have a path to
follow and learn from. No one else can learn for you what you have to learn, so … no one can choose for you either.
“Be in the world, but not of the world.” - Jesse Lee Peterson
As I have said many times throughout these writings of mine, I only want you to question everything, expand you points of view and walk away satisfied that I have given you something to think about.
Find your peace of mind and serenity.