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VIRUS is Latin for a “POISON”. Many definitions on the “bubblegum” internet say ….infectious  organism. This is false due to the fact that an organism is living and a virus is not, so a virus is not and  cannot be an organism...ever.  

I find it incredibly hypocritical to claim to eat organic/biological foods, avoiding genetic  modifications...and then voluntarily vaccinating yourself and your children with the most genetically  modified chemical toxins artificially created by man. In addition, this vaccine is specifically designed  to genetically modify you. Does this seem logical to you? 

As I spoke about in previous articles, poisons that we create in our own bodies (solvents) are a result of being toxic or that we received from vaccinations. I have an explanation I came up with and use often  to help patients understand this principle. Take alcohol as an example of a virus – if you drink an  alcoholic beverage your blood alcohol goes up (vaccination), indicating that the alcohol is inside of  you. Now, if you eat a massive meal and mix many types of dishes, beverages and dessert or especially  fruit after the meal, then your body will produce the same level of blood alcohol level in your body  even if no alcoholic beverages were consumed during the meal (toxins produced). This fermentation  process of improper food combining is often the cause of why many vehicle drivers test an alcohol  level beyond normal after eating a very heavy meal with many different foods and only consuming a  small amount of alcohol. If your excess of alcohol makes you drunk, you cannot transmit your drunken  state by touching someone, coughing on someone or even kissing someone....and of course, a mask  would be the most stupid idea in the universe. Drunk mind state and viruses are neither one contagious, as I have said before many times.  

In fact, what has been called a virus ….whether made in the body as a solvent or injected as a vaccine,  is in reality a poison created by dying starved cells and tissues in the body or made in the laboratory as  a misinterpreted or faulty performed experiment. One of, if not, the main producer of this toxic poison  is antibiotics. Just because your computer has a virus doesn't mean you do.  

A virus is NOT a disease and does NOT cause disease. To this day, there is no proven scientific  evidence in the world that any virus has ever existed outside of the body except viruses made in a  laboratory

The following book goes into great detail in explaining the history of viruses and the basis of all facts  are provided by the authors: 

What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You  Knew About Disease Is Wrong” by Dawn Lester and David Parker 

Here is concrete proof of what I have been presenting my entire career, and more clearly the last 8  months:  

Dr. Stefan Lanka court case: look it up yourself.  


Biologist Proves Measles Isn't A Virus, Wins Supreme Court Case Against  Doctor 

In a recent ruling, judges at the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) confirmed that the measles virus does not  exist. Furthermore, there is not a single scientific study in the world which could prove the existence of the virus in  any scientific literature. This raises the question of what was actually injected into millions over the past few  decades. 

Not a single scientist, immunologist, infectious disease specialist or medical doctor has ever been able to establish  a scientific foundation, not only for the vaccination of measles but any vaccination for infants, pregnant women, the  elderly and even many adult subgroups. 

The fact that many vaccines are ineffective is becoming increasingly apparent. Merck was slapped with two  separate class action lawsuits contending the lied about the effectiveness of the mumps vaccine in their  combination MMR shot, and fabricated efficacy studies to maintain the illusion for the past two decades that the  vaccine is highly protective. 

Studies such as one published in the “Human and Experimental Toxicology” journal found a direct statistical  correlation between higher vaccine doses and infant mortality rates. The study, Infant mortality rates regressed  against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity?, was  conducted by Gary S. Goldman and Neil Z. Miller who has been studying the dangers of vaccines for 25 years. 

I will repeat a few facts mentioned previously in another article of mine about Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis and his PCR research. The PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test is the one being used for the  covid-19 testing, which is scientificly meaningless because this test does not test for covid-19 or any  other virus. This RT-PCR test is a complete scam. This is why I stated to NOT take the covid-19 test in  my May 13th 2020 article. The test is inaccurate and the laboratory produced “poison/virus” was being  dosed by way of the swab test, like a vaccination. Kary Mullis himself stated publicly that the PCR test  should not be used to diagnose infectious disease because it does not identify infections.  

A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth “  - Joseph Goebbels 

The fact that “they” keep changing the symptoms and functions of this “virus” is the proof that it is  fake and they do not know what the “real” virus is. It is exactly as I wrote about in the very beginning  when I spoke of the public being “tested” to see how far they can be pushed and in what direction. If  something doesn't work, they change it up and try something completely different or go back to  something that worked previously. It is right in front of our faces, so obvious. The problem is that when the “masked” public becomes more and more brain dead...their resistance decreases dramatically. 

In the 1950s, most people had never even heard of the word “virus”.  

It looks, sounds and feels completely psychotic to want to wear a mask and gloves to supposedly  protect yourself from a virus and then voluntarily desire to be vaccinated with that same virus.  

Did you know that breathing in the CO2 and other toxins that you exhale is more toxic than you  drinking your own urine (which is severely toxic in the majority of the population, yet can be sterile  and nontoxic in extremely healthy people) ?  

People have been voluntarily suffocating themselves with their own toxic waste out of a false fear...a  lie...told thousands of times. If you look beyond the “bubblegum” internet to the deep web, you will  find where many have died wearing the masks due to asphyxiation... while driving, of small children,  of elderly and even teenagers.  

Jim Jones the famous preacher, civil-rights activist known for the mass murder-suicide of his  congregation is now turning over in his grave wondering why he didn't think of such a genius plan.  

Masks are the new modern day “GAS CHAMBER”! Are you doing it voluntarily? Masks are the new CLIMATE CHANGE! Do you feel guilty yet? 

Now I can say, “Global Warming” being due to CO2 is literally IN YOUR HEAD! LMFAO! Yes, I will say it....”Wearing a mask is a voluntarily suicide on a morale, physical and spiritual level.” 

It is a well known fact that if someone is having a panic attack and you make them breath into a paper  bag, it subdues that person by cutting off the oxygen to the brain. It makes them docile, dumbs them  down...makes them controllable. Does this sound familiar? There are police officers in jail for doing the very same thing to protect themselves and the public from harm, and you want to do this to yourselves  voluntarily? Hypocritical …. nothing more.  

For those of you who have not suffocated your brain to the point of falling under this unscientific  magic spell, I encourage you to get in the best of health possible.....mentally, physically, nutritionally  and spiritually. It looks like we may be in this for a very long time. Get in shape.  

Every claim that I make can be backed by unbiased, non governmental scientific proof. I spend the  time filtering through and cross researching all information to get to the truth so you do not have to.  Everything I have written about has presented itself as truth, in time. You can deny or ignore it as much as you want, this does not affect me, it affects you. As I have said on numerous occasions, it is you that  has to live with your decisions and choices, not me. This is the purpose of the QUANTUM  ALIGNEMENT RESEARCH FUND, which will be accessible on our website in the very near future.  

“Logic, common sense and intelligence is dead... IF we do not change our way of thinking in the immediate.” - Dr. Michael Plaster, D.C.