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“Anyone who bows down to stupid, is lower than stupid.” - Dr. Michael Plaster, D.C. 

The government tells businesses ...”Do what we say or we will close you down!”. Business owners tell  employees...”Do what I say or you lose your job!”  

Problem is the rules keep changing and are getting worse, more demanding. Push it just a little further  and see if the public will submit.  

This tyrannical attitude might want to take into account that everyone has a breaking point. Those  involved will either lose all hope and desire for existence and give up OR they will feel they have  nothing more to lose and fight back with everything they have. A real revolution brought on for  individual survival, not these revolutions/movements induced by puppet masters with a financial  agenda... e.g. french revolution, BLM, civil-rights movement, gay rights movement, feminism  movement etc.  

I heard the term “Mask-o-phobe” today, and laughed myself to tears. A phobia is “a persistent and  excessive fear of an object or situation”. It is NOT a disagreement.  

Once again, we have the famous psychosis of “PROJECTION”. The person wearing a mask is stating  that someone NOT wearing the mask has a phobia? Please, people read a book, educate yourselves  with a minimum of intelligence...get that IQ above 50 points. If you are wearing a mask, it is you who  has the phobia and you are projecting your doubt and fears to others. It is like someone who “just got  religion” or stopped smoking. They hysterically judge, criticize, and point their finger at anyone and  everyone who does not do the same. The persistent and excessive fear is of a coronavirus that has yet to be isolated and identified to this day.  

Based on my 35 years of working with patients, I have realized that this type of person often comes  from a broken family. Any woman who would insist covering the mouth and nose of anyone, especially a child, is either a traumatized woman and cannot feel love, has never had children or is angry/jealous  of the world and frankly should not have children. I find that the “feminized” men that insist on 

everyone wearing a mask were either raised by a single mother, abused by a male father figure to the  point of not being sure about their sexuality or excessively consumes estrogen from products such as  non fermented soy products and/or beer (hops).  

As I have said before, viruses are not living and they cannot be transmitted through contact, breathing  or spitting. If a virus was so easily contagious, why do we need to “inject” vaccinations, bypassing the  skin? Why can't we just blow vaccine dust into people's faces? And, why are we not wearing masks to  protect us from things much worse than any coronavirus.....AIDS/HIV, TB, herpes, pollution...? 

The answer is very simple....the mask is NOT for health reasons. The mask is not a solution and don't  be naive in thinking it is. The solution is doing what you can to increase your natural immunity so the  mask is unnecessary and your body does not and cannot produce a virus. If you are not part of the  solution, you are a part of the problem.  

Otto Warburg 1930 , the “Warburg Effect” : When cells are deprived of oxygen, they revert to  using glucose in the cytoplasm to make energy. This is called glycolysis, the process where cells no longer make energy. A cancer cell is a glycolytic cell. Cancerous tumors are oxygen deficiency. If  respiration (energy making) of a cell is disturbed, the cell dies. If the cell doesn't die, a tumor cell  results.  

When cell death is faster than cell replacement, disease occurs.  

"Don't be afraid to be unique or speak your mind, because that's what makes you different from  everyone else." - Dave Thomas, Wendy's founder 

This quote by Dave Thomas really sums up the mental state of a “select” group of people. Anytime you find many people saying and doing the same things without thought, you have just had the pleasure of  crossing paths with a “real live” zombie/robot/soulless being who has lost touch with reality and fully  converted to the virtual world. You will see these beings presenting news casts or in the streets saying  the exact same phrases verbatim (word for word) with a strange robotic stare or emotional hysteria.  

Interesting....I bet gynecologists are making a fortune... hysterectomies on both men and women! 

On an added note, I have included an article written by Dr. Anthony Fauci (the doctor that deployed the fear porn about AIDS/HIV in the 1980's and the present day coronavirus) and others who were  involved with the research of primary cause of death from the “Spanish Influenza of 1918-19”. I will  mention that, other than today with the present day coronavirus, the Spanish Flu was the ONLY other  time in history that the mass population wore masks as a form of protection from a “flu virus”, and this  article is the concrete proof of what that did to the public. I have highlighted important points.