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Difference between Socialism and Communism is like the difference between suicide and homicide.  You voluntarily do it to yourself, or

 Your choices allow someone else to do it to you. Either way, your  freedoms are dead and so are you. The virus is not covid-19. The virus is communism....and yes, this is  a very serious health issue. 

We have been and still are being tested to see just to what point we are willing to accept global  communist control. This level of stress affects your health. So far we have lost our freedom to breath  properly, touch, travel, leave our homes without being watched, go to work etc. What's next ? Lose our  freedom of religion..........Oh yeah, you already lost that too. Can't go to church, can't practice religious  holidays, can't pray together, can't sing together.....Where is the communion, the fellowship? Without  these elements, the religion no longer exists. It is only a belief.  

A popular example is online poker. Without being in the presence of other players, you can't read the  full body language, hear the sounds they make to determine if they are telling the truth or not. Online  relationships are the same. I know people that have been partners for more than a year and have never  

been in each other's touch, kiss, smell or intimacy. This is what we are moving to very  quickly in all aspects of “normal” life....voluntarily.  

“But I was told that if I do what they say, I can have all those things back!” Does this sound or feel  normal to you? Yeah, I will give you a million euros if you just jump off that cliff. Sound like a  bargain?  

I can hear everyone screaming......”Yeah, but I have 'ZOOM'! And I can still do that!” */face palm  (ZOOM, Skype, Facebook, Twitter, Spotify, TikTok are companies that have ties with China and are  created as surveillance and record all communication among their users.) Ou la la, mama mia, si senor!  You don't even see that you have fully bought into and accepted virtual over reality. Without the  contact, vibration of sound, the smells, the greetings, the presence of another person's  have nothing but a fantasy. A human turned robot to play the video game. Are you winning? Oh, you  don't realize you are no longer human? Genetically modified vaccines, computer technology injected  into you and your children and your pets to trace, follow, watch and record every single thing you do, 

look at, say and ….yes, think. And you believe you will still be “human” after all of this?  

“Yeah, but, things are better. Things are opening up again. Won't be long and all will be normal.” I'm so sorry to say, but things will never be like before or “normal” ever again, and the next test will make this one look like a cartoon unless you voice your refusal to play along.  

Do you remember, only four months ago, if you wore a mask and forced yourself into a  were arrested? Now, if you don't wear a mask and you force yourself into a are arrested.  The world is completely upside down, and you are okay with this? 

I am hearing from so many patients and friends, how they are tired of all the controversial information  about politics, health, viruses, how to behave, how to dress and distance. They are to the point where  they don't want to listen or speak about it. They are throwing their arms up in the air and falling in line  hoping that by giving in to the authorities, it will all end sooner, and they are exactly right. Once you  have been broken, they have won and it is the end....of your freedom. That is the only point in the  arguing we see on the news today. It is not about who is right or wrong, it is about making the public  crazy until they do not care anymore. I am tired of it as well, and at the same time....I have devoted my  entire career in finding the truth about health issues and spreading this truth based on facts.  Everything in this article is a Health issue!  

“Freedom in Responsibility!” - Dr. Michael Plaster, D.C. 

“No one can make you angry, no one can make you happy and no one can make you well or sick. To be any of these things, you much have them already inside you to be expressed. You are 100% responsible for everything and anything that happens to you, no one else.” - Dr. Michael Plaster, D.C. 


Remember: “The only thing that is contagious, is ignorance.” - Dr. Michael Plaster, D.C.