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“2 + 2 = 5 TODAY'S NEW NORMAL”


There is nothing normal about wearing masks and forced isolation of healthy people. This is not normal to treat your family and neighbors like they have a fatal disease, while voluntarily breathing your  extremely toxic body waste.

In fact, this is a guaranteed way of making healthy people very, very  sick....mentally and physically. It is already happening. I am witnessing it myself with work and  acquaintances around me. 

Feelings are more important than facts in the “new” normal. Feelings are completely subjective. Facts  are objective. Your feelings can never be transmitted to another human being and felt in the same  identical manner. Facts, on the other hand, can be shared and understood in exactly the same form,  always.  

The majority of people are nothing more than emotional “meat sacks” in today's world. Truth and logic  are the only reality and they barely exists today. The moment your world changes from reality to  virtual, you are no longer a human being, you are no longer in a reality and you are unable to live truth  or understand it any longer. You have been replaced. It is of zero value to argue or discuss with a  person in this zombie state of mind, you are wasting your time. As a zombie, you sold your soul and  replaced it with an algorithm created by someone else to use you as a slave of the future. 

 The goal is not to eliminate 95% of the world population, it is to eliminated 95% of humanity. This is  very different. Once you become an emotional time bomb, you are already broken and vulnerable. Now you can be convinced to do anything to make the emotional pain stop, and you will believe it is the  “right” thing to do in this delusional state. Anything to remove your derangement syndrome. This is  the new “transition” … human to soulless zombie. Generation “Z”.  

Today's children grow up and go to schools with cameras and walls everywhere as the new normal.  This is so they will not be afraid to live as adults in prisons, concentration camps and all the companies  that mimic schools, prisons and slave camps...Nike, Apple to name just a few. They are being  programmed to live, do and accept this for their entire lives. The new normal to be told when you can  eat, sleep, read, play, talk, exercise, urinate and defecate. If you think that this will stop when they are  adults, you are in for a rude awakening...and it will be too late. By then, it will not seem unusual, only  “normal”. 

Did you know that suicides over the last four months increased 8000% overall in the western world?  No, this is not a mistake with the number of zeros, and of course you did not hear about this in the  “normal” media. If it is a hundred percent increase, that means it doubled (one suicide becomes  two) at 8000% it means 80 times more than before (one becomes 80). If you are still only looking  at the “bubble gum” TV and internet, where the country you live in the western world only allows you  to see a maximum of 5% of the whole internet, then you will not have access to this information. It is  found in the Deep Web, the entire internet ...uncontrolled by any government. This is where you find  facts, truths and uninfluenced research without political agendas or brain-washed  Socialist/Marxism/Communist influence as we are seeing in the western world today.  

Understand, you are not being social if you are distant. Being social has been replaced with the idea  that because you are in communication with another are being social. This is a lie. Social  is being face to face to receive all forms of communication e.g. - body language, smells, micro  expressions, hormones, physical contact, gestures etc. Are you even sure that the person you think you  are listening to or looking at on the screen is who you think it is? What is your proof? Social distancing is removing human interaction..touching, hugging, kissing, putting more distance with sexual acts...e.g. - phone sex, latex products, virtual sex, sex dolls/robots. This is the goal to desensitize people more and more. This is to leave you with only the feelings and emotions of yourself. If you are unable to share  feelings or emotions with another person, you become excessively unstable and fragile. You become an easy target to be “saved” by any villain, rapist, pedophile, thief, thug, bully, pimp, government, priest,  teacher, religion or doctor that is there to help you hide the pain temporarily … not remove it.  

The new “woke” culture has been demoralized to the point that facts have no meaning. According to  Yuri Bezmenov, this is the first step in “Ideological Subversion” to transform a country to Communism  in one generation.  

We live in a generation of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), not a generation of violence. They are afraid of everything, live in panic...FEAR PORN. They scream and yell at the smallest of things with  those wide-eyed psychopathic stares. The generation that is unable to think, only able to follow the  authorities and force everyone else to follow as well, due to their doubts about themselves. By forcing  everyone else to follow along, they feel they are doing what is right.....without thought of course. This  is the result of hours upon hours of ingesting porn and redundant news streams repeating the same  things over and over until the programming has taken hold. The Generation Z ….zombie state.  Zombies eat brains, minds …. those with intelligence. Zombies must destroy those with intelligence to  justify their stupidity....brain dead state.  

Your mental and physical states depend on your being aware of this information, and your free will to  resist being manipulated to the point of transforming into a “domesticated human”.  

It is your life.  

It is your health.  

It is your choice.