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  • Romello
“Science should never become political. Once it does ... it is no longer science.”

Science, by definition, is something that can be consistently reproduced and give the same results each and every time. Science is based on observation, and through deductive and inductive reasoning, logical conclusions can be made derived from undisputed proof. Science can never be based on a “consensus” (a general agreement or opinion accepted by a select group). Scientific information is based on factual proof, not a vote (consensus). Otherwise, it just becomes another religious belief. The moment politics comes into the realm of scientific debate, it devalues the “scientific” authority because it no longer has validity as true knowledge. The moment science experts have to use fear to force the public to do what they want, they become a tyrannical fascist entity. A clear, logical explanation based on truth will move the public to do what is a wise and better alternative from a common sense point of view. 

“If a scientist is being paid to say what you want them to say, the information is not scientific.” 

– Dr. Michael Plaster, D.C. 

I remember, since a child, every time someone falsely accused me of guilt, it was ... without exception, their way of creating a misdirection so others would not see that they were guilty of what they projected on myself or others. In psychology, this is called Transference. 

Science refuses to bring religious views into the pandemic while at the same time enforcing a scientific religion to scare the public into following their beliefs with no fact based scientific proof. There is absolutely no historical proof ever in the past up to present time that justifies quarantining healthy people based on a virus. The virus is not the disease. A virus cannot ever be a disease. Many people can have or carry a virus and never become sick. As I stated before, the human body can contain up to 380,000 different viruses at any given time, and not be sick. A destructive virus, like any other microbe not taken care of, can lead to the creation of a disease, but a virus is not and cannot be a disease. This is why, as I have written previously, COVID-19 does not mean an abbreviation for “CO rona – VI rus – D isease – 2019” , it is the abbreviation for “Certificate Of Vaccination ID (Identification) – 2019”. This was presented in November 2019, and was planned to be the name for the vaccine for this strain of coronavirus when it was first created in China and for some reason...there are only a few that heard that public announcement. 

The media programmed the public to think that the name “coronavirus” had to be changed to “COVID- 19” because saying “coronavirus” was “racist”. I laughed so hard when I first heard this. What race? A coronavirus is not race selective. Since when did someone get the flu because of their race? Anyone creates in their body the flu or a coronavirus if they are toxic or if they have been vaccinated. And, what race is the media referring to? Are they really so stupid to think that being Chinese is a race? Or, do they hope the public is that stupid? China is a country made up of Asians, the race. Same as Japan, Korea, Thailand etc. This is the same with Mexico. People are not racists if they speak about Mexicans, but they are if they globalize negative criticism toward Latinos. Chinese and Mexicans are the names of the people that make up a culture of a country with certain beliefs, principles and guidelines. That is no 

different than saying French or American is a race. People in any country can be made up of any race if the person was born there. Common sense. 

Everything presented by the media up to this point with the current coronavirus is being based on “Theories”, not facts. Theory means that it could be a possibility, but for the moment it has no empirical evidence at all. It is very important to understand that algorithms are not based on anything of fact. They are computer programs created by a person to produce “desired” data based results. “Garbage in, garbage out”. All computer models are made to generate a specific statistic. They are fake. If they were a reality, don't you think we would be better at gambling, horse racing, marriage etc ? 

“People in power (government) should never be in control of health care because they will do anything to keep you under the control of their power, even if they have to keep you sick to do so.” - Dr. Michael Plaster, D.C. 

Journalists have absolutely no right to give their personal opinions about a story that they are paid to give to the public. Their sole job is to give “a” story, not “their” story. Their role is to present information that the general public does not have access to. They may interview alternative viewpoints about the story or ask questions to entice more information for the public, but they cannot argue or even disagree with the provider of this information. The moment a journalist attempts to influence the viewer with their point of view or “feelings”, they are no longer acting as a journalist. Like the example of a camera taking a picture. You access the camera to provide you with an image of a real time moment. What if that camera decided to change the focus, color, lighting to its own personal desires? What if the camera wanted to force its “point of view” on you? 

Same for the “celebrities”. Since when do they, the “court jesters”, have an opinion in determining the well being of the world. Their sole function is to entertain the public. They are paid a fortune to do so, and then they tell the rest of the public to do things that they will not do themselves. They will never stop flying their private planes or take down the walls around their houses. 

I have only one question for everyone. Why do you believe in the experts that are telling you what you need to do during this coronavirus “plandemic”, when they are the exact same people that put poisons in your food, water, toothpaste, air and vaccines on a daily basis with the goal of world wide population reduction? Remember when I asked everyone, many articles ago.....would you marry the person that killed your child? 

Common sense. Logic.