“MASKS, GLOVES AND U.V. LIGHT...OH MY!” Some more common sense realizations have come to me recently concerning wearing a mask.
Wearing a mask can actually make you more sick than not wearing a mask. When you wear a mask, you are breathing in your own CO2 (carbon dioxide). Yes, that is right....too funny. Breathing your own expired air causes pulmonary problems such as internal viral infections, which is what we are suppose to try and avoid. It also deprives the brain of oxygen, which as we all know, makes humans less intelligent. This is the same effect on our brains as alcohol, and we all know how smart we become with too much alcohol. Look what breathing with a mask, all the time, did to “Darth Vader”. Carbon dioxide is the gas that everyone is telling us kills the planet, and those same people are encouraging us to suffocate ourselves with the one thing we are to fear the most. It is like breathing into a paper bag when you are having a panic attack, to make you feel dizzy and calm down by being intoxicated from poisonous gas. CO2 is toxic to us, but is nourishing for plants so they expel O2 (oxygen) to nourish people and animals in return. Our relationships have moved from “affectionate” to “infectionate”. I believe that it is time for people to start using common sense to understand all things. That is the primary point of my presenting all the articles over the last two months. Truth and common sense.
It is so easy for people to wear masks because of all the shame they feel. The need to hide their insecurities and defaults. They don't want others to think they are a bad person and by wearing the mask, they are attempting to show that they are making an effort to be a good person, while fully aware that the mask is not necessary and is useless against any microbe. Surgical masks are designed to protect against fluids coming from the mouths of a doctor or nurse while speaking during an operation with a patient's internal body being exposed, nothing more. They have zero effect on airborne pathogens.
Once again, I will mention the facts concerning rubber gloves:
Condom/Rubber glove pores (holes) = 5 microns (5000 nM)
Virus = 0.020-0.400 microns (20-400 nM)
*Largest of viruses is 12.5 times smaller than condom/rubber glove pore.
Something that I see that has been ignored is the fact that aside from the coronavirus related illnesses, practically no one is sick. New information has shown that the percentage of deaths of those tested positive from this virus after massive testing is between 0.01% - 0.25%. If previous health problems were removed from the statistics of these related deaths, it would be an estimated 10% lower still which would come to one person in every 100,000 people that actually have the virus. Hospitals are empty, no one is going to the doctor for the typical minor to mediocre problems and obviously the nurses have enough time to dance and make videos. This reminds me of when the doctors of New York City went on strike in the 1990s (do not remember the dates exactly). The plan was to strike for six months, but they stopped after only 30 days because the mortality rate for the city dropped the lowest ever to 60% less than the average. This means that the people died 60% less when they stopped going to the doctor. Hilarious!
It is also unanimously proven, in the news media, that UV light eliminates viruses in the body. I stated this in previous articles. The #1 cause of skin cancer is sunscreen. All the “natural/organic” sunscreens contain the same cancerous chemicals as the commercial brands. They put a few natural ingredients to make it socially acceptable and fill the rest with chemicals like all sunscreen products. Of course, do not stay in the sun if you feel your skin burning. It is the same with a burning fire, what do you do when you feel the heat burning your skin? Use common sense, be intelligent. Do you stay outside in the winter when you have lost all feeling in your hands and feet, or do you go inside where it is warm? This is why the idea that we should protect ourselves from UV given by the sun is wrong. I repeat... anti-UV sunglasses and sunscreen lotion, full of chemicals that actually can cause skin cancer, are not good.
“Look at the sun and smile, then you will feel happy.” - Dr. Michael Plaster, D.C.