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  • Romello

I have just this morning been notified that the COVID-19 test is in fact a vaccination to give the coronavirus to those tested. As I said in my last mailing, the only way

you can have a virus is from either creating it yourself in your body from excess toxicity or from vaccinations. Some of those tested will not experience the effects of the test immediately or at all. It depends if they are either stronger than others, or more time is needed for the incubation of the virus to take hold. 

This explains why many that test positive do not have symptoms initially. This also explains the “relapse” of the virus appearing again following successful treatments. It also explains why the virus becomes stronger through mutation when it reoccurs a second time in the same person. Its adaptability to evolve in defense of its environment is part of the genetic construction of the virus. 

Many have asked me “How is it that the “swab” test for Covid-19, or any other form of tests, could transmit the virus if it cannot be transmitted by contact with others?”. As explained in my previous information on vaccines, an “adjuvant” (carrier) has to be included to move the virus into the cell structure. With human contact, we do not have this adjuvant present in our structure....until it is modified in our DNA from external means. 

I have also been asked..”Well if viruses are not living entities, then how is it they kill people?”.

I realize that many times when information and ideas are rushing through my mind to the point of saturation, I am capable of not maintaining clarity with the explanations. If your body is weak or sick enough to produce a virus in your cells or you have a negative reaction to a vaccination that gave you the virus, then your body produces these “solvents” due to toxicity up to the point that you have cell death. If this continues for an extensive amount of time, the accumulated cell death leads to organ death, system death and eventually total body death. 

“We create, live and die on a cellular level.” - Dr. Michael Plaster, D.C.

As of yesterday, many areas of America are forcing people to be tested. This will be the same in other countries as well at some point, if not already. The obvious followup will be forced vaccinations for the virus. This has been discussed and decided since January. The vaccination will have “nano” computer chip technology to be able to identify who have and have not be vaccinated. This was announced by Bill Gates yesterday, due to his stepping down from his position with Microsoft, also occurring yesterday, to completely devote his time and money in producing and promoting these vaccinations. 

The idea that people can be healthy and potentially be “carriers” of the virus is a false narrative. As I said before, a virus is a dead entity and cannot be transmitted by contact. It can only be given as an active virus, with adjuvant, through injection such as vaccination/inoculation. We are becoming more weak through this constant instruction to “sterilize” ourselves with constant washing, protecting, avoiding to the point that our natural defense with the immune system is completely vulnerable to everything. Remember the kids that played outside, ate dirt, touched everything were always the strongest kids. I saw this when I lived on the Indian reservation in America. Nature has a way of helping us adapt and create defenses and antibodies through life experiences. We learn from and through these experiences, especially the difficult ones. Experiences can not be forced or “injected” into our being. The body and mind cannot register a new knowledge without going through the experience step by step. We may be able to put a microchip into a person, causing them to be “reprogrammed”, but this will not be recorded in the body as an experience or actual memory. 

In addition, as I explained before, there is a “time line” correlation with 5G availability/deployment with Covid-19 progression. Wuhan was the first city in China releasing 5G technology on October 31, 2019. Then Italy and Spain followed shortly after, which are now also two of the most affected by the virus. If you go online, you can see maps of America with the areas most affected by Covid-19 and 5G availability maps. They are identical. Review the information I sent about the effects of 5G so that you are developing daily habits to limit exposure to these EMF frequencies. Documentation can be easily found stating the one of the most common effects of 5G radiation is “flu like symptoms”. This is not denied anywhere or by anyone connected with these service providers.